Puppy Alumni

Let’s face it, ALL puppies are cute and adorable, but I think that it’s important to see what they become.  Thanks to the many families who keep in touch and send me photos of their loved ones!!

livy messina 2-25lola mccarty 12-24charlie gailbrath and lego 1-25basil holland 11-20-24Lydia comfort 12-24Charlie gailbrath1 12-24Livy Messina 12-24Charlie Gailbrath front 12-24louis welling 11-24lucy parrish1 2024rory matthews3 2024Rory matthews2 2024Livvy Messina 8-24Harper Embrey 8-24Jeter Benchman 8- 2024jaime adams 7-24mia gritchenmeir 3-224Rory Matthews 2024lucy mia gritmeier 3-24lucy gritchenmeir 3-24sonia palmer 6-24sonia palmer2 2-24lucy lewandowski 5-24mulligan and putter 7-4-24wilson-jakku-bourdow 6-24pumpkin hughes 7-13-24Jakku bourdow 6-24lucy parrish 2024mulligan and putter 2-24luna and willow thompson 3-23shaun evans w-2 2-24George Thiebault1 2023atticus gordon 1-24Geo Thiebault2 2023Nancy Port 12-23Otis Crawford 11-23jamie adams 11-23penne lucas 11-23moxie crothers 11-23Oscar ferguson 11-23lizzie crothers 11-23Winnie province 11-23sonia palmer 10-23Arnie dansbury 10-23winnie province 2 11-23murphy mcLaughlin 10-23charlie gailbrath 10-23harper emery 10-23sandy houtchens 10-23sandy koelherartie reich 10-2023mulligan koelherlucy mcbeth 7-23wolf ernst 8-2023Ginny LaFalce 8-23Otis Crawford2 7-23hutton with dogs 2023charlie gailbreth 7-23Otis Crawford 7-4-23mackenzie spillman 2023olive roys 2023bailey dunbar 6-23penne and monica1tucker schlossberg 4-23tucker schlossberg2 4-23charlie gailbrath 3-24-23cooper hutton 3-23piper stook 3-23kryspin penne fall 2022rudee collins 9-22Lindy Cocking 2022virgil rave 2022rudee 2-2-23virgil rave snow 2022kryspin penne2 fall 2022Lydia comfort 12-22reggie linehanmaddox lott 2022maddox lott2mulligan 2022lexie christie2 2022tux merrill 2022Augie King 2022keim 2022kokkenen (2022)izzy leverstein 2022luna meirs 2022Rosie Martin snow 2-2022Rosie Martin 8-2-2022Rosie Martin surfboard 8-2022weeza mayfield 2022winnie van emburgh 2022Bodie Hueston 7-22rory matthews 2022Seamus finn and dogs 2022Chester finn front 2022chester and Lionel finn 2022Harper Hurt 5-2022 7 yowhitney face 2022buddy ferry 2-2022ferry dogs 2022elton keane 2022Alexis Wiggs 3-2022hobbs palazzo 3-2-22toots bagwell 2021charlie gailbrath 1-3-22maggire stover 12-21unknown 2021ariana whitney 12-2021rudee costello 10-2021hostenske 8-2021lizzie gilchrist 8-2021Darby white 11-5-21maggie stover2 7-21moxie gilchrist 8-2021charlie gailbrath 11-2021stook dogs 10-13-21felix pardo 9-28-21Ruffnut-Ruby Marshall 10-12-21brigid finn 9-4-21alexthierry 8-22-21Tux Merrill 7-2021Winston Hamilton 6-2021callie price 7-25-21callie price2 7-25-21harper emory 7-15-21Piper_Flowers (1)Gilly front down 7-11-21Maggie Allen 6-21Bodie Hueston 6-21Gunner Gay 5-21grey 5-15-21storm Hutton 5-21mattise maldondo 4-21ruby marshall 3-21francis haswell 8-20benny georges 3-21cher wilkins 4-21nick-kananga merrill 3-21chevy Howell 2021chester finn good canine 2-21charlie in goggles 2020held jack and dogs 2020berkowitz remington 2020zuboff molly 2020chevyHowell 2020chief mackie carpenter 2020Lunatic Meirs 2020Luna Simons 2020izzy habel 2020Emmett Larscheid 2020Chester Finn 2020wenger remy 2020Wengers w remy 2020Charlie Gailbreath 7-2020compton 2020keuka suddeth 2020webcrawford Cru 2019Bowser-sarai hallBeautiful Ears 10 28 18held baby and rafi 2020kauffman Rudder 2019Morris--6 years oldCharlie Galbraith side 2020rosie face 11-25-19Hutton with Storm and Casey 2019Cru Crawford 2019Willow 2019ashton Lee maggie puphutton-storm 2019Winnie2webTaco and Rafi 12-18 Katie Mcbreen 1-19 Joanne Reeves 12-18 Dawn O'connor 12-18 Wayne Krebs 12-18 Lori Perry 1-19 wendy stook 12-18 Linda mills-lough 12-18 Nancy Parrish 12-18